Free Demo

Book your Free Demo

Learn more about booking your demo & what will happen next

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How do demos work?

Getting your first experience of Digital Florists couldn't be simpler. Fill out the below form, and, we'll find a date & time to go over Digital Florists with you. You can choose to demo Digital Florists with a Florist, so, you know that you will be in good hands, working with someone who has faced similar challenges to you.

Demo's have no fixed schedule or itinerary, because, we know that all Florists have unique requirements & needs, and a fixed Sales pitch won't work for you. You can let us know what you'd prefer to go over, but, we will aim to show the following within your Demo:

  • The Dashboard

  • Orders & Order Management

  • Events & Event Management

  • Tasks & Task Management

  • Point of Sale (POS)

  • Delivery

  • Reports & Analytics

After having your managed Demo, we make the process very simple. If you decide you want to trial Digital Florists, show it to your team, perform comparisons or evaluations, we'll give you as much time as you need. All you need to do is provide a few details, and you'll be ready to go. Our Trials are unique, we consider a Trial to be from the day you start accepting Live orders, rather than the minute your trial goes live. This means that, you have 2 months to evaluate & test Digital Florists, and make sure that it meets your businesses full needs.*

*If a Trial instance is not being used for a period of 14 days or more and a live trial has not begun, it will be disabled but it can be re-enabled by contacting Customer Support within 1 month. After that point, all data will be erased from our systems. Only Live Trials are included in our data backup regime.

Our Promise

Our aim is to provide a modern, adaptive software to florists that is regularly improving. Florists have been stuck with feedback not being acted upon by vendors for too long. By offering a freshly designed, easy-to-use software solution that can modernise your business, not keep it in the past, we hope that friendly competition focused on product development will help innovation among the other software products — improving the quality of software for all florists, for the better even if you choose another solution.

We promise to release regular updates and to always be open to accepting critical user feedback and suggestions. If you're not happy with our product, we will support you and make it easy for you to request your data to move your data to another software provider.

Do you want to learn more about how Digital Florists can help you?

Our Promise

Our aim is to provide a modern, adaptive software to florists that is regularly improving. Florists have been stuck with feedback not being acted upon by vendors for too long. By offering a freshly designed, easy-to-use software solution that can modernise your business, not keep it in the past, we hope that friendly competition focused on product development will help innovation among the other software products — improving the quality of software for all florists, for the better even if you choose another solution.

We promise to release regular updates and to always be open to accepting critical user feedback and suggestions. If you're not happy with our product, we will support you and make it easy for you to request your data to move your data to another software provider.

Do you want to learn more about how Digital Florists can help you?

© 2024 Digital Florists Ltd (Company No 15423324)