Delivery management software for Florists

Do you want to learn more about how Digital Florists can help you?

Do you want to learn more about how Digital Florists can help you?

Man looking at notification from his florist of his flower delivery
Man looking at notification from his florist of his flower delivery
Man looking at notification from his florist of his flower delivery

Keep Customers Informed

Notify your customers about their delivery in real-time with Digital Florists
Independent florists can notify your customers in the same way multinationals do.
Digital Receipt, Order on its way, OrderDelivered, Photo of Order, Ask for Review

Lady receiving flowers Florist making it off on Delivery App
Lady receiving flowers Florist making it off on Delivery App
Lady receiving flowers Florist making it off on Delivery App

Paperless Deliveries

Drivers access delivery runs through an app, this is optional and delivery runs can be printed out if that is preference.

Cutting out the paperwork, and sending pictures or even SMS messages giving customers real-time notifications on their delivery

Photos can be sent to customers at the point of delivery. This photo will also be saved to the order so you can use it for future reference.

The delivery route can be optimised in real-time taking into account traffic data meaning your drivers spend less time sitting in traffic.

Automatic Delivery Routing For Florists
Automatic Delivery Routing For Florists
Automatic Delivery Routing For Florists

Automatic Traffic-Aware Routing

Say goodbye to the stress of planning delivery routes in the early hours of Valentine’s Day. Our software automatically calculates the most efficient routes, considering real-time traffic, so you can make faster deliveries with less hassle. Spend more time focusing on your flowers and customers, and let us handle the route planning.

Florist Environmental reporting mileage is easy with Digital Florists Software
Florist Environmental reporting mileage is easy with Digital Florists Software
Florist Environmental reporting mileage is easy with Digital Florists Software

Understand your Impact

Track miles and distances driven by your drivers with ease. Get insights into your deliveries and make informed decisions, all while staying aware of your environmental footprint.

Interflora Florist? You will need to use the Interflora Partner Service and Interflora Apps to keep all orders in one app.

Delivery App for Florist Shop that routes Deliveries and notifies customers with Photographs
Delivery App for Florist Shop that routes Deliveries and notifies customers with Photographs
Delivery App for Florist Shop that routes Deliveries and notifies customers with Photographs

Delivery Software that routes for you

Easily plan and route deliveries

Send routes to the drivers phone

Connected to Google Maps

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Florist Shop Customer being kept upto date about thier flower delivery
Florist Shop Customer being kept upto date about thier flower delivery
Florist Shop Customer being kept upto date about thier flower delivery

Notifications sent to customers on Delivery

Customised notifications

Send photos of the flowers

Ask for reviews

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Improver you Florist Shop Sustainability by Going Paperless with Digital Florists
Improver you Florist Shop Sustainability by Going Paperless with Digital Florists
Improver you Florist Shop Sustainability by Going Paperless with Digital Florists

Your Florists shop can operte paperlessly

Can optionally go Paperless

Save money on paper and ink

Look after the environment

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